Tabor Lab Publications

This ia a selection of publications from the Tabor Lab at Rice University. All publications here describe the design and development of light-switchable two-component systems, properly characterized with a focus on bacterial synthetic biology. Athough not a collection of simultaneously-characterized parts, like the rest of the database, the methods on these publications are similar enough to group them together here. Following the same rationale, other light-responsive systems were not included and have their own dedicated pages.

The publications include:

Schmidl, S., Sheth, R., Wu, A. and Tabor, J., in 2014

1 Regulated Promoter

  • Repurposing Synechocystis PCC6803 UirS–UirR as a UV-Violet/Green Photoreversible Transcriptional Regulatory Tool in E. coli

  • Ramakrishnan, P. and Tabor, J., in 2016

    1 Regulated Promoter

  • Engineering an E. coli Near-Infrared Light Sensor

  • Ong, N., Olson, E. and Tabor, J., in 2017

    1 Regulated Promoter

  • A Miniaturized Escherichia coli Green Light Sensor with High Dynamic Range

  • Ong, N. and Tabor, J., in 2018

    1 Regulated Promoter

    Here, 'High' and 'Low' are gene expression levels in either states (ON/OFF) of the two-component systems